Thursday, March 12, 2009

Welcome to my Guide to London

Hello and welcome to the first post of Look to London.

Feel free to ask anything you need to know about traveling to, and living in London. From a weekend break to finding employment, negotiating public transport, language difference and yes there are many, to eating out and entertainment.

My name is Emily I have lived in London for 25yrs, and in rural England for 5. A total of 30 years in the UK. I am currently living in California with my husband.
London is a wonderful city but it can also be very intimidating. Where do you want to visit? Buckingham palace? the west end? or do you want to get off the beaten track and see real London. I can help.

I decided to write this blog for two reasons. My father in-law commented how great it was to have someone in London who knew the city and could advise and help him save money. He had bumped into a couple in his hotel that day who had spent $100 on travel fare in one day getting around London on the tube and buses. On my advice he had purchased a travel card for the week with unlimited travel on both bus and tube costing $50. Wow I thought some people really needed a little guidance.

My second inspiration is my sister in law. Myra lived in China for two years and started a blog advising people that wanted to move out there. I had started this blog a few years ago but let it fizzle out. Myra has inspired me to blog again. Her link is below, even if your not intending to move to China read her blog she is a talented and humorous writer.

Her blog is the Interactive Expat

Thanks for reading. Follow my posts and feel free to email me.

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